Friday, November 9, 2012

CBCAC Volunteer Appreciation Party and Celebration

On behalf of CBCAC and the Chinatown community I would like to thank all of you as well as the other volunteers who aren't on this page for coming out to help do GOTV work. This has been a long process and we've all experienced a lot of rejection, but we didn't give up. Now that the presidential elections are over that doesn't mean our work is done: there is still a lot of work to do because engaging the community is a long and tedious process that can't be done even in one long election cycle. But once again, thank you all! 

Please join us for the CBCAC volunteer appreciation party and celebration on December 1st from 12-4:30. We will have lunch, karaoke awards and prizes! Please spread the word to the other CBCAC volunteers you know. We currently don't have the venue so if you would like to help prepare for this party please email Xiaoxiao or myself!

Friday, October 5, 2012


We registered 12 today, and CASL helped us register 50, so now we're at a total of 1133! Only 70 more before we reach our 1200 goal! Thank you CASL staff for your assistance as well as our Fellow, Interns and Volunteers!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Our NADP Fellow XiaoXiao Liu registered 46 Curie High School Seniors and CASL staff registered 42 clients, bringing our total for today to 1022 registered voters! Let's keep up the good work. Thank you volunteers and thank you Chinese American Service League staff for all your hard work!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Today's update

XiaoXiao registered 29 people at Roosevelt University today, volunteers registered 3 in Chinatown, and I  registered 13 in DePaul tonight, bringing our current total to 933. We're keeping up the good work and please keep updated on our progress! Thank you volunteers! 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Voter registration at the AIDs walk

This Sunday at 8AM we will be registering voters at the museum campus. If you have time please stop by!

As of today we have a little more than 850 and that number is increasing. But our final goal is 1200 so we still have a ways to go. Please keep up the good work. Even if you don't have time to volunteer please spread the word and send any possible volunteers our way!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dream Relief Day Update

Hi everyone,

I just got back to CASL from the Dream Relief Day event at Navy Pier. Right now some of our other volunteers, interns and Theresa Ma are there helping out for different shifts. Please keep updated on the event through newscasters like this:

And it's not too late to volunteer! There are shifts from 7:30-12:30 and 12-6PM and even overnight! So if you have time just head over there and ask someone in a yellow ICIRR vest how you can sign in.

-Victoria, on behalf of the CBCAC volunteer team.